I hate to say that, but there is always a place you never would be again.
That place I called home.
Home, the place you growed up, the place you hope you will always feel the safety, the happiness.
One day you just be a Man or a Woman, not your parents’ baby, you start to make friends, you start to fall in love with other human beings, or maybe you just get used to enjoy your own space. You became a independent person. You do not rely on your original fimily any more. You start to confront anything bad and enjoy everything good just all by your own circle or just yourslef.
Maybe since then, you forget that you own a place called home once.
I don’t know since when I do not like to go home any more. Well, maybe new lifestyle, maybe revelent with my new friends, or maybe new relationship with someone. Honesty, I really have no idea.
Internet of Blockchains Well…Today’s toy, Blockchains~